The service structure of NA is best described as an upside down pyramid. The individual addict is situated at the top, with every service body, subcommitee and trusted servant lower in the pyramid. This makes everyone at the bottom of our service structure directly responsible to those they serve at each higher level.
Our 9th Tradition states “NA, as such, ought never be organized, but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve“. In keeping with this tradition the Home Groups of Orlando Area of Narcotics Anonymous have created the subcommittees (shown below) to aid us in our primary purpose; To carry the message of hope to the addict who still suffers.
Area Service Committee
Activities Subcommittee
Phoneline Subcommittee
The Phoneline subcommittee is responsible for providing information and assistance to addicts in the Central Florida community who need help and information. This is carried out by maintaining a phone line which is available to assist addicts seeking recovery 24 hours a day/7 days a week/365 days a year. 24-Hour Help Line 407-425-5157. Florida Relay for the Deaf at 1-800-955-8771.
Hospital and Institutions (H&I) Subcommittee
Public Relations (PR) Subcommittee
The purpose of Public Relations work in Narcotics Anonymous is to inform the public that NA exists and offers recovery from the disease of addiction. The Public Relations Sub-Committee helps to ensure that information about our fellowship is accurate and is available to the public. Public Relations carries the Narcotics Anonymous message in a variety of ways by meeting with community leaders, community presentation, and through a variety of media outlets.
This website is an example of how (through the Webpage Sub-Committee) Public Relations carries the message of Narcotics Anonymous. Other examples of how Public Relations carries the Narcotics Anonymous message are: 1/4 Page ad in the April 17th Orlando Sentinel newspaper insert “Orange County Coalition for a Drug Free Community”.
Public Service Announcments: like this one currently running on selected buses, in Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties of Florida; look for it on your route:
Radio Station Public Service Announcements – MP3 format – Click to play
Download all MP3s in .ZIP format – (1.3 Megs)Female voice reading the 10 second script
Female voice reading the 20 second script
Female voice reading the 30 second script
Male voice reading the 10 second script
Male voice reading the 20 second script
Male voice reading the 30 second script
Male voice reading the 10 second script in Spanish
Male voice reading the 20 second script in Spanish
Male voice reading the 30 second script in Spanish
To find out more information about Narcotics Anonymous in your community, or to request a community presentation please send a message to the Public Relations using the contact form, contact the 24-Hour Help Line at 407-425-5157, mail Public Relations, P.O. Box 532095 Orlando, FL 32853