ASC Reports GSR Reports Create ASC Report Error : Message : Subcommittee ActivitiesCelebration of UnityHelplineHospitals and InstitutionsLiteraturePublic Relations-PhonelineWork GroupsWebpageRCMFacilitatorGuide ASC Date Meeting Date General Report <p><strong>Members Present:</strong> 8</p> <p><strong>Location:</strong> Recovery Connections Firest City Road Orlando</p> <p>Opened the meeting with a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer. The 12 Traditions were read.</p> <p><strong>General Report</strong></p> <p><strong>Phone line Coordinator 1 Report</strong></p> <p><strong>111 Total Calls for the month; 66 answered direct; 15 Just for Today readings; 20 meeting searches by prompt; 3 meetiong searches by text; 7 Voice Mails were left and answered if the caller left a name</strong></p> <p><strong>We were invited and tweo members attended the Open House held for "International Overdose Awareness Day" by "Project Opioid". We left QR codes and folders which were made available to all attendees throughout the event which was held on August 29, 30 and 31st.</strong></p> <p><strong>We will be attending the 19th Annual Youth Prevention Concference - "Standing Tall for Prevention" on Thursday September 12th from 9AM -3PM. This eent is sponsored by the West Orange Chamber of Commerce and willl be held at Valencia Community College West Capus, Special Eventts Center 1800 South Kirkman Road Orlando 32811 For more information: </strong></p> <p><strong>Several members will be attending Live Fest 2024 celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Orange County Drug Free Coalition on Saturday September 28 from 10AM - 3PM at Lake Eola. We may have a space for our Public Relations display (more will be revealed). </strong><span style=\"font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol"; font-size: 16px;\">The Orange County Drug-Free Coalition was formed in 1999 to lead county-wide substance use prevention programs and strategies. Coalition workgroups meet monthly to strategize and rally support for access to treatment and recovery services as well as to prevent high-risk behaviors including the use of alcohol, tobacco/nicotine, products, marijuana, other illicit drugs, and prescription drug misuse. Our Public Relations Subcomittee has maintained a relationship with the coalition since about 2017. </span></p> <p>In cooperation and collaboration with GOASCNA H&I subcomittee we have a tentaively scheduled appointment with Advent Health. More will revealed</p> <p>We invite any member to attend our subcommittee meetings to find out more about our interactions with the community and see how you can get involved.</p> <p>We then had a brainstorming session about the numerous organizations and projects we can put on our goals list. In our next subcommittee meeting we will priotize several of these and see which ones may have the most impact on the community and which ones we have resources to pursue. Public Relations is all about follow-up once a relationship is established.</p> <p><strong>Elections</strong></p> <p>Currently our Co-leader position is open and we have member(s) interested, being mentored and are serving the committee until such time that they meet the requirements of the position. We will bring forth a recommendation and nomination to the ASC floor in December or January.</p> <p><strong>Concerns or Needs</strong></p> <p>Phoneline volunteers to attend the subcommittee meeting</p> <p>Members interested in Public Relations - experienced or not experienced</p> <p><strong>Upcoming Events</strong></p> <p>See above</p> <div><strong>In Loving Service,</strong></div> <div>Mark B</div> Your Email Address